Michael Weatherly Once Shared That Doing ‘NCIS’ Was Like Being in The Beatles in This Country

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NCIS quickly became a massive hit after its early seasons, eventually reaching a global audience and gaining a level of international popularity that even surprised its stars. Michael Weatherly, who played Tony DiNozzo, had no idea the show would become such a phenomenon. Before joining NCIS, Weatherly’s career was filled with ups and downs, with his most notable role being in James Cameron’s Dark Angel, which lasted just two seasons. Weatherly had grown accustomed to short-lived success and assumed his role as DiNozzo would follow the same pattern.

“I thought, ‘None of these things go, so it’s fun. I’m resigned to the idea…’ It’s kind of like dating. You just have to say, ‘Okay. I’m a guy who has relationships that last three weeks to two years. And then they go away,’” Weatherly told Assignment X. “And that was sort of like the acting job—short-term. And now I feel like I’m in a marriage.”

That “marriage” has certainly paid off, with Tony DiNozzo becoming Weatherly’s most iconic role. His popularity soared, particularly overseas, where the reaction was overwhelming. Weatherly noted that his international reception was a testament to the show’s global appeal.

“When I went to Australia, it was like an episode of The Monkees,” Weatherly shared with TV Guide. “People were screaming out of buses. The demographic there is 18 to 25—it’s a ‘young’ show. In France, it’s like being in the Beatles. You go down the street, and they think it’s the most exciting thing in the world. It’s nutty! In the U.S., because of reruns on USA Network, it’s gaining traction, but it doesn’t quite have that massive-show feeling like overseas. It’s like meeting a very wealthy person who drives a Subaru and insists on parking around the corner instead of using the valet.”

Despite its understated profile in the States, NCIS’s numbers and loyal fanbase prove it’s truly a global television juggernaut.

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