15 Essential Tony & Ziva NCIS Episodes To Watch While Waiting For Their Spinoff

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Here are 15 essential Tony and Ziva (“Tiva”) episodes of *NCIS* to watch while anticipating their spinoff:

1. **”Kill Ari (Parts I and II)” (Season 3, Episodes 1 and 2)**: These episodes mark Ziva’s first appearance and her initial interactions with Tony, setting the stage for their dynamic relationship.

2. **”Under Covers” (Season 3, Episode 8)**: Tony and Ziva go undercover as a married couple, leading to a memorable and steamy episode that showcases their chemistry.

3. **”Boxed In” (Season 3, Episode 12)**: The pair gets trapped in a shipping container, forcing them to confront their feelings amidst the danger.

4. **”Shalom” (Season 4, Episode 1)**: Ziva is on the run and Tony has to balance his duty and his personal feelings to help her.

5. **”Recoil” (Season 5, Episode 16)**: Ziva goes undercover and the aftermath affects her deeply, showing Tony’s concern and support.

6. **”Judgment Day (Parts I and II)” (Season 5, Episodes 18 and 19)**: The team’s dynamics are tested as they face a tragic loss, with Tony and Ziva’s partnership growing stronger.

7. **”Truth or Consequences” (Season 7, Episode 1)**: Tony, McGee, and Gibbs rescue Ziva from captivity, highlighting Tony’s deep commitment to her.

8. **”Jet Lag” (Season 7, Episode 13)**: Tony and Ziva travel to Paris, leading to some romantic tension and significant moments.

9. **”Enemies Foreign” and “Enemies Domestic” (Season 8, Episodes 8 and 9)**: These episodes delve into Ziva’s family background and showcase Tony’s protective side.

10. **”Pyramid” (Season 8, Episode 24)**: The season finale brings major revelations and intense action, further solidifying Tony and Ziva’s bond.

11. **”Berlin” (Season 10, Episode 21)**: Tony and Ziva’s trip to Berlin is filled with personal discoveries and dangerous encounters.

12. **”Revenge” (Season 10, Episode 22)**: Following a devastating loss, Tony and Ziva’s pursuit of vengeance brings them closer.

13. **”Past, Present, and Future” (Season 11, Episode 2)**: Tony searches for Ziva after she leaves NCIS, culminating in a heartfelt goodbye.

14. **”Family First” (Season 13, Episode 24)**: Tony learns about Ziva’s presumed death and discovers he has a daughter, Tali, with her.

15. **”She” (Season 16, Episode 13)**: This episode revisits Ziva’s legacy and hints at her possible survival, sparking hope for fans.

These episodes highlight the evolution of Tony and Ziva’s relationship, from initial distrust to deep affection, making them essential viewing for fans eagerly awaiting their spinoff.

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