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### Shocking Revelation About Jessica Knight’s Future on NCIS Unveiled by EP!

In a recent interview almost a month post-season 21 finale, the Executive Producer was grilled about Jessica Knight’s trajectory after her job acceptance at Camp Pendleton. When probed about Katrina’s status in series 22, Steve remained cryptic, stating, “Well, you know, we’ve set something up there, and I will point you toward our track record where ‘You never know.'”

“I will say this. We do aim to please, and we think the audience will be satisfied with where they see this go,” Steve continued. “Sometimes that satisfaction is bittersweet and sometimes it’s just pure joy. You’ll have to wait to find out which one it’s going to be.”

Recalling the season finale, Jessica was offered the Chief REACT Training Officer position by Director Leon Vance, an opportunity she eagerly embraced.

“She wants a career, she’s very ambitious, and to her a long-distance relationship isn’t the end of things. At the same time, maybe it is, if it doesn’t work out. She has to go forward and see where these things lead, she can’t settle into something she knows will ultimately make her angry and have regrets,” Steve explained. “And I think Jimmy’s in the same place — he had a chance to basically say, ‘Please don’t take this job’ and he didn’t.”

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