In a pivotal episode titled “The Stories We Leave Behind” from NCIS Season 21, Michael Weatherly’s Tony DiNozzo makes a significant return. When the team learns of Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard’s passing (portrayed by David McCallum), grief permeates the air. Yet, DiNozzo’s presence serves as a comforting beacon for both the characters and the audience, possibly still reeling from McCallum’s real-life departure.
Sean Murray, known for his role as Timothy McGee, shed light on the episode’s creation in an interview with TV Insider. He revealed that the final scene, particularly the elevator moment with Weatherly, underwent various iterations. “Every time we did it, we were talking about something different. They would just let us ad lib,” Murray explained.
This improvisational approach adds depth to the scene, capturing the essence of the NCIS team’s camaraderie amidst sorrow. A touching moment unfolds as DiNozzo and Jimmy Palmer (played by Brian Dietzen) share a heartfelt exchange before McGee enters, disrupting the melancholy atmosphere with news of lateness. DiNozzo’s lighter energy, engaging McGee in casual banter about movies, highlights the enduring bond shared by the NCIS team, especially during moments of adversity.