In a poignant episode titled “The Stories We Leave Behind” from “NCIS” Season 21, Michael Weatherly’s Tony DiNozzo makes a significant return. The central team is gripped by grief upon discovering the passing of Dr. Donald “Ducky” Mallard, portrayed by David McCallum. DiNozzo becomes a pillar of support for those left behind, offering solace not only to the characters but potentially also to the audience still reeling from McCallum’s real-life departure. Crafting such an emotional episode undoubtedly required considerable effort, yet there was room for some lighthearted improvisation in a crucial moment.
Sean Murray, known for his role as Timothy McGee on “NCIS,” shared insights with TV Insider about working on this pivotal episode, particularly his scene with Weatherly. Murray revealed, “We actually did a lot of different versions of that last scene… They would just let us ad lib.”
The moment unfolds as DiNozzo and Jimmy Palmer, portrayed by Brian Dietzen, share a poignant moment before McGee enters to inform them they’re running late. Palmer sets the emotional tone by turning off the lights, while DiNozzo engages McGee in casual conversation about movies. DiNozzo’s lighter energy highlights the unwavering support and camaraderie within the NCIS team, especially during times of adversity.