Mark Harmon, the beloved face of NCIS for nearly two decades, is making an exciting return to the franchise in the upcoming prequel series, NCIS: Origins. Though the new series will primarily center on a younger version of Leroy Jethro Gibbs, portrayed by Austin Stowell, Harmon is confirmed to make a special appearance in the premiere episode, airing on October 14 on CBS.
Co-showrunner David J. North revealed that new footage of Harmon was specifically shot for the prequel, stating, “That was a discussion between Mark, myself, and Gina Monreal. I hope the audience will be excited to see him after so many years.” This marks Harmon’s return to the role since stepping down from his full-time position on NCIS in 2021.
In addition to his cameo, Harmon will serve as the narrator for NCIS: Origins, guiding viewers through the key events that shaped Gibbs’ early career. His involvement will offer longtime fans a fresh glimpse of the character while delving deeper into Gibbs’ backstory.